Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Your Personality in Four Letters: DISC

The importance of knowing these four behavioural styles is that you can begin to realise that the rules and values of the people around you are most likely different than yours. Therefore, you understand that we all have different ways to see the world, different fears, different strengths and different ways of manifesting our love and expressing our expectations.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

The Secret to Wealth & Happiness

The secret to becoming wealthy and happy is to be a TEAM PLAYER. Our lives are made up of things, places and people. Things we use for various purposes at places we go with people. The more we help people achieve what they want, the more people there will be to help us get what we want. Bringing happiness and value to someone else’s life, make us valuable people and so more wealth and happiness our lives are filled with.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Decide to Think Differently and Create an Extraordinary Future

Most of us make thousands of unconscious decisions every day which create our present life. What if we could bring awareness to the thoughts that are motivating us to make decisions? That would entail the creation of a future better aligned with our wishes and desires. Changing one thought at a time, we can change the destination of our lives.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Preparing for the extraordinary

Rehearsing in our minds the actions we want to present, allows us to emotionally experience the event ahead of time in preparation. By doing so, we neurochemically train ourselves to create the life we want right now rather than waiting, wishing, praying, working for it to happen. We create the experience within ourselves so it can be manifested in the in the external world.

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