Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

The Numbers Sometimes Are Right

Although I’m not particularly inclined to believe in metaphysical sciences such as numerology, astrology, zodiac signs, I’m reading this book on Numerology and one thing caught my attention fairly strongly.

So you don’t get to control events, all the universe is asking of you and me is that we use our bodies and minds to participate in the marvellous unfold of life.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

The Most Important Question

Do you choose courage over comfort regularly? Courage suggests willingness to get your butt kicked on occasion. If you don’t get your ass handed to you regularly you may be choosing comfort without realising it.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Minimalism is action

Letting go of our material stuff is quite simple and self-explanatory, but if you’re now thinking how do I let go of my emotional baggage? Follow the 3 steps below.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Make Friends With Your Frustrations

Frustration is part of life. Instead of experiencing frustration’s negative effects, how better could our lives be if we learned how to see frustration through different lenses, thereby changing our perception of the overall experience of being frustrated.

Frustration shows you that you truly believe in yourself and in your ability to do better than you currently are and that the solution to your problem is closer than you realise. All you’ve got to do is try something wildly different. After all, feeling frustrated means that you’ve tried something over and over and you haven’t obtained the results you’re looking for. YET!!!

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Where Do You Want To Go?

According to science, there was nothing, but the entire energy of the Universe jammed into something in the size of a pea, before the Big Bang. If I am, what can I become? An immutable being or thing that accompanies the transient version of who you want to become. You and I are the exact same being resulted from a different answer to the same question. Perspectives.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

The Mature Man Archetypes

Most problems men face in the modern world are caused by the man himself not being in touch with the primal masculine energies that reside within them. Although every man possesses both masculine and feminine energy, modern men are socially encouraged to develop their feminine energy at the expense of their masculine. Thus, causing a dystopia in personal, professional and hierarchical relationships.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

The Boyhood Archetypes

Most problems men face in the modern world are caused by the man himself not being in touch with the primal masculine energies that reside within them. Although every man possesses both masculine and feminine energy, modern men are socially encouraged to develop their feminine energy at the expense of their masculine. Thus, causing a dystopia in personal, professional and hierarchical relationships.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Your Personality in Four Letters: DISC

The importance of knowing these four behavioural styles is that you can begin to realise that the rules and values of the people around you are most likely different than yours. Therefore, you understand that we all have different ways to see the world, different fears, different strengths and different ways of manifesting our love and expressing our expectations.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

What’s your purpose and how to define it?

Life purpose is the reason why you wake up and get out of bed every morning. It’s your life’s mission. Imagine what it would feel like to wake up every morning excited to go to work and go to bed at night utterly fulfilled by the work you did.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

The Secret to Wealth & Happiness

The secret to becoming wealthy and happy is to be a TEAM PLAYER. Our lives are made up of things, places and people. Things we use for various purposes at places we go with people. The more we help people achieve what they want, the more people there will be to help us get what we want. Bringing happiness and value to someone else’s life, make us valuable people and so more wealth and happiness our lives are filled with.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Productivity 101

Did you know that a major aspect of being hyper productive is scheduling time off? Being highly productive is quite different than being busy all the time. Being busy simply means that you’re doing something, regardless of what you’re doing. Being productive, however, means that the activities with which you busy yourself are intentionally planned to get you closer to a desired goal.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Happily ever after

The secret to build a long lasting romantic relationship, is to first accept that our partner is just a flawed human being who wants to experience love with us. Communicating our needs and desires, waiting for our partners to make it happen, give feedbacks to fine tune it is relentless, therefore requires patience. With patience, kindness, honest communication, acceptance and love, we are bound to be happily ever after.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Can I be happy on my own?

The only way to be happy, in conclusion, is to find out exactly what we need and want, learn how to create it in abundance so there’s not only enough to make ourselves happy, but so we can share those values and intentions with those who cross our paths.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Mindfulness: The Ultimate Key To Happiness

What is it that every human being truly want? Being happy I’d hope.

Getting comfortable within our bodies and minds is being comfortable with our true reality. We don’t need to experience something externally to compensate what we lack inside. But, are we ready, willing and able to make peace with the part of us that’s fearful and is therefore rejecting what’s unfolding right in front of us? Living mindfully is rewarding in and of itself

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Stress Vs Relaxation

Learn how to affect your environment by engaging your Autonomic Nervous System to suit instead of allowing the environment to affect your behaviour and drive your actions. Your eyes are the key to accessing such super power.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Lessons From 2020

The year is almost out and as usual I look back over it to consolidate the lessons I learned. The four most important lessons are: 1) asking questions is more important than seeking answers; 2) there’s no easy way, but there are many ways; 3) “not being ready” is an choice losers indulge in; 4) we are either fragile being who need protection or strong motherfuckers who can take criticism and judgement.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino


Meditation has the potential to unlock a whole new world of possibilities if practiced consistently. Understanding the reasons to meditate and the benefits it can have in our body and mind can take us from procrastinating and being stuck to creating the life we’ve always wanted and the freedom we didn’t even know was possible.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Motivation Sucks

If we need to feel motivated to do something, we’re screwed! Mastering the skill of doing things even if we’re not feeling like it, is essential to our wellbeing, happiness and success. Every time we hesitate to do something, it creates stress, imbalance and disorder in our mind and body. I guess it’s time to STOP IT!

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Success is a Matter of Perspective

We usually complain about the results we’re getting in our lives, but we rarely contemplate the habits we engage in regularly. Procrastination and laziness will inevitably result in successful misery. Willingness and determination will invariably lead to successful fortune. We are wired to succeed, we just have to own our own success.

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Marco Tepedino Marco Tepedino

Decide to Think Differently and Create an Extraordinary Future

Most of us make thousands of unconscious decisions every day which create our present life. What if we could bring awareness to the thoughts that are motivating us to make decisions? That would entail the creation of a future better aligned with our wishes and desires. Changing one thought at a time, we can change the destination of our lives.

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